Berga City Council
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The Berga Bus map is a set of cartographic information represented in a Instamaps viewer. The map contains the lines that represent the route of the bus routes, and the points that represent the stops of the urban routes. For each point and for each line, information relating to the cartographic object, such as the identifier, the corresponding line code or the bus schedule, is displayed interactively.
Berga Active Tourism is a set of cartographic information represented in a viewer with a base map of Google Maps. The following tables contain viewers for each route: Hiking, MTB Routes and Car Routes. Each route contains a vector information viewer showing the track as a line and the places of interest as a point, which are displayed showing complementary information. In addition, each route contains an elevation profile, route information and a description of it. It offers the possibility to download the cartographic information on each route.
The noise map of Berga is a set of information formed by three maps (Berga, Colònia Rosal and Industrial park “La Valldan”) that establish the acoustic zoning of the municipality and indicates the acoustic quality of the territory. The information is represented on 1:5000 ICGC's Orthophoto as base map. The areas studied are classified as: High acoustic sensitivity zone (a), Moderate acoustic sensitivity zone (b), Low acoustic sensitivity zone (c) and in Special regime acoustic zone (ZARE). The data represented were collected by the City Council in 2011.
The consolidated urban plot of Berga is the cartographic instrument that delimits the surface of the municipality of Berga that complies with the regulatory requirements to obtain this legal status. The areas to be considered consolidated urban plots (TUC) are, according to Decree Law 1/2009, of December 22, the following: settlements of a complex nature formed by the historic center and its extensions, continuous multifamily residential areas in the settlements, non-continuous multi-family residential areas to settlements within urban land or developable land where residential use is dominant and single-family residential areas adjoining settlements.
The plans of the Master Plan of the Municipal water supply service of the municipality of Berga, are the planning instrument in this area that establishes how the city's future water supply infrastructure should be. This cartography is distributed in PDF format, and is made up of the following plans (Situation, Current supply scheme, Future supply scheme, General current network, Current supply areas, Future supply areas, Growth zones, Future network in Alta, Future supply network from Castillo and Casampons, Future supply network from Fumanya, Future supply network from Pedregals, General future network.)
Streets nomenclature of Berga is the database that determines the terminology and description of the Berga roads. This document establishes the code, the official name, the type of road and the codified name of all the streets of the city. This was approved by the plenary of the City Council on 11/01/2006, and has been modified three times, the last one approved on 06/10/2010.