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Information of the Natural Environment in the framework of the SITxell project. Vegetation landscape structure classes in UTM of 2x2 km, from the Habitats Cartography of Catalonia.
Information of the Natural Environment within the framework of the SITxell project.
Information of the Natural Environment within the framework of the SITxell project.
Socioeconomic dynamism in agriculture (the agrarian dynamism is formed by the economic potential of the agricultural sector and by the agrarian structure of the territory).
Information of the Natural Environment in the framework of the SITxell project. Natural habitats and corresponding valuation, in the fluvial area of the main courses of the Ter river basin in the province of Barcelona, with division by river and municipality.
Information of the Natural Environment within the framework of the SITxell project.
Conservation index to determine a single conservation value of the vertebrates of all UTM squares 1x1 km from the scope of the SITxell project. The following groups of terrestrial vertebrates have been considered: mammals, amphibians, reptiles and birds (wintering and nesting). The methodology followed was: Union of information from nesting and wintering birds considering the maximum conservation value of each of the species in each of the squares. The ICONS values ??of each species and square, both birds and mammals, amphibians and reptiles, have been calculated, raising the conservation value to the fourth power, the maximum power used in the separate maps (that of birds ). Finally, the ICONST value was calculated: the ICONS value corresponding to each bird species was added to each square according to its phenology and the ICONS values ??of each species present in amphibians, reptiles and mammals. Values ??from 0 to 100 have been weighted and represented on the 1x1 UTM grid for the entire SITXELL area.
Socioeconomic dynamism in agriculture (the agrarian dynamism is formed by the economic potential of the agricultural sector and by the agrarian structure of the territory)
Information of the Natural Environment in the framework of the SITxell project. Units of the Legend of the Habitats Cartography of Catalonia corresponding to agricultural habitats, with the addition of classification parameters based on the presence and arrangement of natural vegetation.
Future trends in agriculture (formed by the Agrarian Dynamics, the degree of potentiality and the degree of vulnerability)