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Toponyms (place names) present in the cartography of the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia, such as the names of municipalities and heads of municipalities, population centres and isolated buildings, facilities and equipment, relief elements (oronyms), hydrographic network and point hydrography (hydronyms), protected areas and other unique elements of the territory; with the coordinates of the point where they are located.
Set of marks in the territory within a specific local area, called geodetic benchmarks, whose location has been measured based on topographic/geodetic techniques and have been materialized on the ground with landmarks or signs, and whose coordinates have been set following the procedure defined by the Integrated Geodetic Positioning Service of Catalonia (SPGIC). These benchmarks are derived from the Utilitarian geodetic Network of Catalonia but are not integrated within it.
The Municipal Topographic Network is constituted by points that represent the vertices of the XTM-LH. The coordinates of the points are in the reference system ETRS89 and projection UTM time zone 31 North and the ortometric level is the result of applying the geoide EGM08D595. Points have some associated attributes that describe them.
The XDDE provides information on the identification, location and status of the set of geographic information Network for the Detection of atmospheric Electric Discharges v1.0, owned by the Meteorological Service of Catalonia. The system allows the real-time detection of storms, as well as the very short-term forecast of their trajectory. The XDDE consists of four remote stations and a central processing system located at the SMC headquarters. The stations are located in Begues (el Baix Llobregat), Castellnou de Seana (el Pla d’Urgell), Muntanyola (Osona) and Amposta (el Montsià). The arrangement of the detectors is designed to provide good coverage throughout Catalonia, with an error in the location of lightning less than a kilometer for much of Catalonia. It is a 2D vectorial set of geographic information at 1:5.000 scale.
SIGPAC is the graphic database of all arable land for the digital identification system for agricultural parcels, referred to in Article 17 of EC Regulation 73/2009 of 19 January.
The Radiosonde Station information set provides information on the identification and location of the radiosonde station owned by the Meteorological Service of Catalonia. It is a vector geographic information set of 2D at a scale of 1:5.000. The data recorded at the Radiosonde Station allow a vertical characterization of the atmosphere by means of instruments transported by a balloon that is launched automatically twice a day, at 11:00 and 23:00 hours UTC. The station is located on the roof of the Faculty of Physics of the University of Barcelona and belongs to the World Meteorological Network through the GTS (Global Telecommunication System).
SIGPAC is the graphic database of all arable land for the digital identification system for agricultural parcels, referred to in Article 17 of EC Regulation 73/2009 of 19 January.
Geographic base that contains the current limits of the different administrative divisions that make up the territorial organization of Catalonia: the municipalities, the "comarques", the entity unique territorial area of the Aran Valley and the "vegueries"; also contains the provincial boundaries, the fixation of which it is state competence. It also includes the capitals of the municipality, the "comarques", the "vegueries", the provinces and Catalunya. The Base is multiscale. The official scale of territorial detail is 1: 5 000. From this the other scales of less detail are obtained, by cartographic generalization: 1:50 000, 1: 100,000, 1: 250,000, 1: 500,000, and 1: 1,000,000.
SIGPAC is the graphic database of all arable land for the digital identification system for agricultural parcels, referred to in Article 17 of EC Regulation 73/2009 of 19 January.
SIGPAC is the graphic database of all arable land for the digital identification system for agricultural parcels, referred to in Article 17 of EC Regulation 73/2009 of 19 January.