Palafrugell City Council
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Palafrugell StreetNomeclator contains a list of all the names of the streets of the municipality alphabetically.
Itineraries and routes of Palafrugell is a set of data that contains information about the Greenway from Palafrugell to Palamós and various stages of Camí de Ronda, with cultural and historical information on the route as well as the distance to travel and a link to see the route and location on a map.
The Palafrugell map is a set of cartographic data that shows the street plan of the urban centers of the Palafrugell municipality: Palafrufell and Llofriu and Calella de Palafrugell, Llafranc and Tamariu. It also contains a map with accessible routes to Palafrugell. Each map contains the location and name of the roads in the urban area as well as points of interest such as parking lots and other municipal and tourist facilities.