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    The Municipal Urban Planning Plan (POUM) is the instrument of urban planning of the municipality that directs the development of the territory of Alella. The mapping of the Alella POUM consists of two blocks of maps of different scales in PDF format, called Information Plans and Regulatory Plans. In the Regulatory Plans we find: the Qualification of the current land, the current Uses in non-urban land, the Inventory of goods to be protected or cataloged and the Barcelona Metropolitan Territorial Plan (Open spaces system); and in the Regulatory Plans: the Land Regime, the General and Organic Structure, the Non-urbanizable Land, Planning Sectors and polygons (Open Space System), the Urban and Urbanizable Land Classification, the Urban Land Rating and finally , the Heritage Catalog, SNU Farmhouse Catalog, SNU Buildings Inventory and Rural Road Network.

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    The noise map of Alella is a set of cartographic information whose purpose is to prevent or reduce the noise pollution to which the population is exposed and the preservation or improvement of the acoustic quality of the territory. The dataset is made up of a four-sheet map in PDF format, representing vector levels of emission levels set as quality goals in each given territory using vector data. The map classifies the Alella territories into: High acoustic sensitivity zone (A), Moderate acoustic sensitivity zone (B), Low acoustic sensitivity zone (C); categories that are broken down into subcategories referenced with an alphanumeric code.