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Delimitation of public and private forests, managed by the Generalitat, with information describing the elements necessary for their protection, management and conservation. Public forests are forest land that belongs to entities under public law (Generalitat de Catalunya, councils, decentralized municipal entities, councils, the State, etc.). Communal forest lands are also considered public forests, the use of which corresponds to the community of residents of a town. As for private forests, this geoinformation includes those managed by the Generalitat through an agreement or consortium.
Identification of territories characterized by a combination of natural, cultural and symbolic elements, which give them a distinct character from the rest and which are recognized as such by the population. These territories are called landscape units, and they give as much importance to the dynamic, perceptive and experiential elements of the landscape as to the more static and material ones when defining its character.
The synthetic Urban Map of Catalonia is a synthesis map of the general planning, in two dimensions (2D), which allows a continuous reading of the country’s urban planning, above the municipal boundaries. It is a synthetic graphic recast of all those files that correspond to current general planning, which incorporates the resources and associated estimating judgments as well as the corrections of error, approved by the urban planning organizations of the Generalitat and published in the DOGC. The synthetic MUC includes only the current general planning and, therefore, does not recast either the derived planning or the urban director, which can be consulted in the RPUC, or the urban determinations of the partial territorial planning. The synthetic MUC has no legal validity, as the technical means currently used do not guarantee it. It is, therefore, an informative value map, drawn up on the basis of the interpretation of the official general planning documents available in the archives of the Ministry of Territory.
Topographical information about the elements which happen to be in the not build places (topographical network; road and street network; parks, gardens, ...; water, gas, communications networks; sewer system; and some other related information).
La base topogràfica 1:1000 correspon a la cartografia del municipi de Figueres i l'entitat municipal de Vilatenim, agregada el 1975. La superfície d'interès abarca unes 2000 hectàrees, de les quals, unes 750 equivalen a zones urbanes. Per garantir les tasques d'anàlisi i explotació, la base cartogràfica s'estén més enllà dels propis límits municipals, menys de 100 metres, afectant alguns dels municipis veïns com Llers, Cabanes, Vilabertran, Vila-Sacra, El Far d'Empordà, Vilafant o Santa Llogaia d'Alguema. La cartografia està elaborada principalment per restitució fotogramètrica 3D seguint el "plec d'especificacions tècniques estàndards per a l'elaboració de cartografia topogràfica 3D a escales 1:1000 (CT-1M v2.2)" publicades per l'Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya (ICC) i aprovades per la Comissió de Coordinació Cartogràfica de Catalunya (CCCC). Les diferencies entre la base topogràfica i el plec esmentat queden recollides en el propi plec de l'Ajuntament de Figueres "Especificacions tècniques Base Topogràfica 1:1000". La base topogràfica 1:1000 és de cotitularitat de la Diputació de Girona i l'Ajuntament de Figueres.