Type of resources
Available actions
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Service types
WMS service for visualization of the columns of boreholes, trial pits and penetrometers available in Catalonia.
WMS service for visualization of terrain deformations. It includes information from different studies about vertical deformation of the ground made by topographic surveys, GPS and differential interferometry.
WMS service for visualization of information related to geologic risks. It includes information from the Map for the prevention of geological risks 1:25,000, such as the inventory of phenomena and signs of activity, danger from landslides and torrential flows, and potentially floodable areas.
WMS service for visualization of cartography of soils and additional information.
WMS service for visualization of information related to magnetometry, such as magnetic anomaly measurements and zoning of the territory according to this. Some data are only displayed between zoom levels equivalent to aprox. 1,000 and 50,000 scale denominators.
WMS service for visualization of information related to deep geothermal, such as heat flow, geothermal gradient and thermal conductivity isolines, isotherms at different depths, temperatures at different depths, wells and boreholes, and areas of geothermal potential. The data are only displayed between zoom levels equivalent to 25,000 and 10,000,000 scale denominators.
WMS service for visualization of the agrological capacity of soils.
WMS service for visualization of hydrogeological information. It includes information such as hydrogeological units (aquifers, etc.), water points and physicochemical parameters, piezometry and flow lines, and hydrogeological cartography. Some data are only displayed at specific zoom ranges, depending on the layer.
WMS service for visualization of the Structural map of Catalonia 1:250,000. It includes information about the main tectonic structures of Catalonia, which have a very important role in geothermics. On the one hand, larger structures are related to the thickness of the crust and lithospheric mantle, which also affect the distribution of temperatures in depth. Moreover, the relief topographic and the hydraulic gradient are conditioned by them, therefore, the principal directions of groundwater flow.
WMS service for visualization of the state and downloading of Geoworks.