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    ATOM service for downloading information related to Theme 9 - Protected sites, of Annex I of the INSPIRE Directive, in the geographical area of Catalonia. The service allows the download of the dataset of Protected sites Natura 2000 of Catalonia, according the Directive requirements, derived from the data set Natura 2000 network sites.

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    ATOM service for downloading information related to Theme 5 - Addresses, of Annex I of the INSPIRE Directive, in the geographical area of Catalonia. The service allows the download of the dataset of Addresses of Catalonia, according the Directive requirements, derived from the Municipal Addresses of Catalonia Database (BDMAC).

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    ATOM service for downloading information related to Theme 4 - Administrative units, of Annex I of the INSPIRE Directive, in the geographical area of Catalonia. The service allows the download of the dataset of Administrative units of Catalonia, according the Directive requirements, derived from the Municipal base of Catalonia.

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    ATOM service for downloading information related to Theme 9 - Protected sites, of Annex I of the INSPIRE Directive, in the geographical area of Catalonia. The service allows the download of the dataset of Protected sites PEIN of Catalonia, according the Directive requirements, derived from the data set Plan of Areas of Natural Interest (PEIN).

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    ATOM service for downloading information related to Theme 4 - Land use, of Annex III of the INSPIRE Directive, in the geographical area of Catalonia. The service allows the download of the synthetic urban map of Catalonia, according the Directive requirements.

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    ATOM service for downloading information related to Theme 6 - Utility and government services, of Annex III of the INSPIRE Directive, in the geographical area of Catalonia. The service allows the download of the datasets of Environmental management facilities and Governmental services of Catalonia, according the Directive requirements, derived from the datasets waste and sewage treatment plants, and services of Catalonia.

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    ATOM service for downloading information related to Theme 4 - Geology, of Annex II of the INSPIRE Directive, in the geographical area of Catalonia. The service allows the download of the dataset of Geology (and Hydrogeology) of Catalonia, according the Directive requirements, derived from the Geologic database of Catalonia 1:250,000 and the Hydrogeological units of Catalonia 1:50,000.

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    ATOM service for downloading information related to Theme 2 - Buildings, of Annex III of the INSPIRE Directive, in the geographical area of Catalonia. The service allows the download of the dataset of Buildings of Catalonia, according the Directive requirements, derived from 1:1,000 topographic cartography of some municipalities of Catalonia.

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    ATOM service for downloading information related to Theme 9 - Protected sites, of Annex I of the INSPIRE Directive, in the geographical area of Catalonia. The service allows the download of the dataset of Protected sites ENPE of Catalonia, according the Directive requirements, derived from the data set Natural Areas of Special Protection (ENPE).

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    ATOM service for downloading information related to Theme 2 - Land cover, of Annex II of the INSPIRE Directive, in the geographical area of Catalonia. The service allows the download of the dataset of Land cover of Catalonia, according the Directive requirements, derived from the Land Cover Map of Catalonia (MCSC).