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Territorial divisions of Sabadell is a set of geographic information represented in an interactive viewer. We find files in reference to the following administrative boundaries of the district of Sabadell: districts, sectors, neighborhoods, population entities and centers and census sections. It also allows to search streets and addresses and consult the correspondence of the territorial divisions of a place.
WMS view service of Sabadell City Council; it contains layers of administrative divisions, building and addresses.
Map of Sabadell is a set of geographic information represented in an interactive viewer. The data set shows the location of the services and facilities of the municipality, and for each one offers the postal address and the link to a catalog of the municipality where we find additional information of the selected point. Can be seen localized spaces related to: administration, health, education, accommodation, culture and leisure, social services, mobility and transport, youth and consumption. It also allows searches of streets and addresses.
The Geodesic vertex network of Sabadell is a set of geographic information represented in an interactive viewer. This data set shows the location of the geodesic vertices located inside the municipality of Sabadell. The viewer allows you to consult the geodesic vertices of these three geodetic networks: the Utility Network (XU), the Main Polygonal Network (XPP) and the Secondary Polygonal Network (XPS). For each vertex the respective unique identifier is shown. Also, the viewer allows to perform searches of streets, addresses and download the reviews of the vertices by their identifier.
Inventory of the trees in Sabadell's urban plot. Indicating the scientific name of the tree species and the current pruning campaign.
Noise map and acoustic capacity of Sabadell. Allows you to consult the Daytime Noise Map (7 a.m. to 9 p.m.); evening (9pm to 11pm) and night (11pm to 7am) in decibel values dB(A) represented by themes according to immission levels, as well as Acoustic Zoning (acoustic capacity).
The Thematic map of building heights of Sabadell is a set of geographic information represented in an interactive viewer. This data set shows the height of each building of the Sabadell plot by a scale of chromatic values. The viewer identifies single-storey buildings up to twenty-two-storey buildings, having a category for each of the intervals. In addition, are independently classified unbuilt plots and uncoded volumes. Also, the viewer allows to search for streets and addresses.