Landscape units v1.0 - April 2018
Identification of territories characterized by a combination of natural, cultural and symbolic elements, which give them a distinct character from the rest and which are recognized as such by the population. These territories are called landscape units, and they give as much importance to the dynamic, perceptive and experiential elements of the landscape as to the more static and material ones when defining its character.
- Date (Revision)
- 2018-04
- Identifier
- IDEC / unitats-paisatge-v1r0-201804
- Purpose
- The objectives of this geoinformation are: Facilitate the urban planning of open spaces and help to overcome the current fragmented planning of each municipality, by recognizing the common particularities of the various homogeneous spaces they represent, and allow defining territorial vocations adjusted to the potentialities and the dynamics of each place; Facilitate the definition of sectoral plans and strategies, such as nature conservation policies (policy of natural spaces, ecological connectors, Catalan strategy for sustainable use and management of biodiversity, etc.), agricultural policies in the key of sustainability , rural development policies or tourism promotion policies associated with the landscape; Promote cultural and social initiatives that bring together the territories of each unit, which share common identity signs; Raise awareness about the landscape diversity of Catalonia and its environmental, cultural and aesthetic values, and insert the landscape at different levels of education in Catalonia; Make it possible to carry out operations and consultations for analysis or territorial incidence according to the various landscape units, with the possibility of generating maps and reports; Facilitating knowledge on the part of the public administration, the professional world and the public about the diversity of Catalonia's landscapes.
- IDEC - llocs
- Catalonia
- Spain
- Europe
- Access constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- No limitations
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
- Spatial representation type
- Vector
- Metadata language
- Catalan; Valencian
- Character set
- UTF8
- Topic category
- Planning cadastre
- Description
- Spatial extent covers all Catalonia. Temporal extent refers to the date of the data.
- Unique resource identifier
- ETRS89 UTM zone 31 North (EPSG:25831)
- OnLine resource
- Data download
- OnLine resource
- WMS view service ( OGC Web Map Service )
- OnLine resource
- WFS download service ( OGC Web Feature Service )
- OnLine resource
- Gencat - Hipermapa
- OnLine resource
- Technical specifications
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
Domain consistency
- Name of measure
- Conformity with the technical specification approved by the Cartographic Coordination Commission of Catalonia
Conformance result
Domain consistency
- Name of measure
- Compliance with INSPIRE requirements (data)
- Evaluation method description
- The data of this dataset do not aim to achieve compliance with INSPIRE regulations. For this reason, its conformity is not evaluated and it is declared not conformant compliant by default.
Conformance result
Domain consistency
- Name of measure
- Compliance with INSPIRE requirements (metadata)
- Evaluation method description
- The compliance of the metadata is evaluated using the "INSPIRE Reference Validator" web tool. The metadata is considered correct when the only errors reported are related with the main language of the metadata file. These errors are due to the fact that Catalan is not included in the list of official languages of the European Union.
Conformance result
- Statement
- In the preparation of each landscape catalogue of Catalonia, a specific delimitation of the units that make it up is obtained. These landscape units are portions of the territory with the same character. The following landscape variables are used: Physiographic factors, especially the relief; Floor coverings; Historical dimension of the landscape; Structure of the landscape, analysed from the ecology of the landscape; Visibility; Immediate dynamics; sense of place. The landscape unit also considers the particular relationships (social, economic, cultural) that have been established between a territory and its inhabitants and that form part of the identity of the people who live there. In this sense, each landscape unit is unique, singular, different from the rest that are its neighbours and from those in other parts of the country, taking into account various structural, functional and historical criteria. Subsequently, with the union of the various landscape catalogues, it becomes necessary to review and refine the lines that apply, as well as the adjustment to the relevant limits of the Administrative boundaries of Catalonia.
- Description
- Landscape catalogue of Catalonia
- Description
- Administrative boundaries of Catalonia
- File identifier
- unitats-paisatge-v1r0-201804 XML
- Metadata language
- Catalan; Valencian
- Character set
- UTF8
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Date stamp
- 2023-10-23
- Metadata standard name
- IDEC profile of metadata of spatial datasets
- Metadata standard version
- Version 5.0

Spatial extent
Provided by

Associated resources
Not available