Mapa comarcal de Catalunya 1:50 000 v4 - Sheet "Selva" (34)
Representation of Catalonia by means of a continuous topographic cartography at scale 1:50 000, with administrative and tourist information, and published as a series of 41 county maps, as well printed on paper as digital raster image.
- Date (Creation)
- 1992-12-01
- Date (Revision)
- 1999-12-01
- Date (Revision)
- 2002-05-01
- Date (Revision)
- 2005-04-01
- Date (Revision)
- 2008-11-01
- Date (Publication)
- 2011-09-01
- Edition
- 5
- Edition date
- 2010-11-18
- Identifier
- 34
Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya (ICC)
+34 93 567 15 67
Parc de Montjuïc
+34 93 567 15 00
+34 93 567 15 67
- Presentation form
- Digital map
- Presentation form
- Hardcopy map
- Name
- County map of Catalonia 1:50 000 v4
- Other citation details
- There is not correspondence between the edition (revision) and the version: a version, or a single map, can have more than one edition. The date of publication corresponds to the digital data.
- Purpose
- Availability of a topographic continuum of Catalonia at scale 1:50 000. Its targets are the creation of a digital topographic database and the publication of digital and printed maps, such as County maps series, atlases or specific maps. Cartography of reference useful for the development of technical, management, territorial planning and leisure activities.
- Status
- Completed
- Discipline
- Topographic cartography
- Garrotxa
- Selva
- Gironès
- Baix Empordà
- Maresme
- Vallès Oriental
- Osona
- Anglès
- Tossa de Mar
- Vidreres
- Vilobí d'Onyar
- Breda
- Sils
- Riudarenes
- Sant Julià del Llor i Bonmatí (Bonmatí)
- Sant Hilari Sacalm
- Sant Feliu de Buixalleu
- Caldes de Malavella
- Fogars de la Selva
- Blanes
- Susqueda (Sant Martí Sacalm)
- Lloret de Mar
- Arbúcies
- Amer
- Riudellots de la Selva
- Brunyola
- Hostalric
- Maçanet de la Selva
- Massanes
- Osor
- la Cellera de Ter
- Riells i Viabrea (Can Salvà)
- Europe
- Catalonia
- Spain
- 2008
- Relief
- Hydrography
- Toponymy
- Orography
- Communication route
- Road
- Railway
- Human settlement
- Topographic cartograhy
- Topographic
- Topographic map
- Cartography
- Cartografía topográfica
- Garrotxa
- Selva
- Gironès
- Baix Empordà
- Maresme
- Vallès Oriental
- Osona
- Anglès
- Tossa de Mar
- Vidreres
- Vilobí d'Onyar
- Breda
- Sils
- Riudarenes
- Sant Julià del Llor i Bonmatí (Bonmatí)
- Sant Hilari Sacalm
- Sant Feliu de Buixalleu
- Caldes de Malavella
- Fogars de la Selva
- Blanes
- Susqueda (Sant Martí Sacalm)
- Lloret de Mar
- Arbúcies
- Amer
- Riudellots de la Selva
- Brunyola
- Hostalric
- Maçanet de la Selva
- Massanes
- Osor
- la Cellera de Ter
- Riells i Viabrea (Can Salvà)
- Europa
- Cataluña
- España
- 2008
- Relieve
- Hidrografía
- Toponimia
- Orografía
- Vía de comunicación
- Carretera
- Ferrocarril
- Poblamiento
- Cartografía topográfica
- Topográfico
- Mapa topográfico
- Cartografía
- Cartografia topogràfica
- Place
- Garrotxa
- Selva
- Gironès
- Baix Empordà
- Maresme
- Vallès Oriental
- Osona
- Place
- Anglès
- Tossa de Mar
- Vidreres
- Vilobí d'Onyar
- Breda
- Sils
- Riudarenes
- Sant Julià del Llor i Bonmatí (Bonmatí)
- Sant Hilari Sacalm
- Sant Feliu de Buixalleu
- Caldes de Malavella
- Fogars de la Selva
- Blanes
- Susqueda (Sant Martí Sacalm)
- Lloret de Mar
- Arbúcies
- Amer
- Riudellots de la Selva
- Brunyola
- Hostalric
- Maçanet de la Selva
- Massanes
- Osor
- la Cellera de Ter
- Riells i Viabrea (Can Salvà)
- Place
- Europa
- Catalunya
- Espanya
- Temporal
- 2008
- Theme
- Relleu
- Theme
- Hidrografia
- Toponímia
- Orografia
- Theme
- Via de comunicació
- Carretera
- Ferrocarril
- Theme
- Poblament
- Theme
- Cartografia topogràfica
- Topogràfic
- Mapa topogràfic
- Cartografia
- Access constraints
- Copyright
- Access constraints
- Intellectual property rights
- Use constraints
- License
- Use constraints
- Intellectual property rights
- Use constraints
- otherRestictions
- Other constraints
- The licence of use of data generated by the Cartographic Institute of Catalonia (ICC), in any support, is granted only to the applicant, in a revocable, punctual, non-exclusive and untransferable way, and only on the condition of accomplishing the points stated in "Use conditions" of the ICC Web page. The applicant does not acquire any title, right or interest, on the granted information which is solely for his personal use or the use of the company that represents for activities directly related with its social objective.
- Spatial representation type
- Grid
- Denominator
- 50000
- Distance
- 5 m
- Metadata language
- ca
- Topic category
- Boundaries
- Elevation
- Environment
- Inland waters
- Location
- Society
- Transportation
Vertical extent
- Minimum value
- 1
- Maximum value
- 1706
Vertical CS
No information provided.
Vertical datum
No information provided.
- Supplemental Information
- The area covered is a rectangle which includes an administrative unit ("comarca") of Catalonia. This area is described in these metadata using WGS84 decimal geographic coordinates, with the minimum and maximum longitude and latitude of the four corners. Therefore, it is an approximate geographic area. The treatment of the information is the same in the whole extension of the sheet. The vertical extent corresponds to values written in the map: geodetic marks, peaks or altimetric points. The temporal extent corresponds to the date of updating sources. During the transition period established in the Royal Decree 1071/2007 to go from the system of reference ED50 to the system ETRS89, the digital cartography will be available in both systems. Characteristics of the image file that are specific to the format: a compression factor of 4 is applied in the case of MrSID format and no compression is applied in the case of GeoTIFF; the origin of coordinates position in the pixel is "center" in MrSID format and "upper left" corner in GeoTIFF format. The information related to the corner points and to the point in the pixel, which appears in the "Spatial representation information" section of this metadata document, corresponds to MrSID format. This map is also published in paper support.
- Reference system identifier
- EPSG:25831 - ETRS89 / UTM zone 31N
- Number of dimensions
- 2
- Dimension name
- Row
- Dimension size
- 9219
- Resolution
- 5 m
- Dimension name
- Column
- Dimension size
- 9559
- Resolution
- 5 m
- Cell geometry
- Area
- Transformation parameter availability
- Yes
- Checkpoint Availability
- No
- Point in Pixel
- Center
- Transformation dimension mapping
- The column dimension of the image corresponds to the X (East) axis of the coordinate reference system and its value grows from west to east. The row dimension corresponds to the Y (North) axis and its value grows from north to south.
Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya (ICC)
+34 93 567 15 67
+34 93 567 15 00
+34 93 567 15 67
- Fees
- Digital information free. Printed map and CD or DVD: according to current prices.
- Ordering instructions
- This product can be downloaded, in its digital versions, taking the steps of "Digital transfer options" of these metadata (MrSid), or in the Public Attention Service (MrSid, GeoTiff). The printed and folded map can be purchased at the Public Attention Service of the Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya, bookshops of the Generalitat de Catalunya or points of sale of cartography (according to availability), as is indicated in "contact and location", The catalog of products is also available at the same web.
- Name
- MrSid, GeoTIFF, paper
- Version
- MrSid Generation 3 (MG3), GeoTIFF v1 r1.0
- Units of distribution
- "Comarca" (Shire or county, official administrative unit)
- OnLine resource
Map search and downloading
Direct research on a cartographic continuum where the zone, the product, the scale and the format can be chosen.
- Name
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Statement
- The cartographic information gathered in this map comes from the phototointerpretation in screen of 1:5 000 Orthophoto of Catalonia, applying criteria of generalization, and the incorporation of cabinet and field work information. Contour lines come from the ICC altimetric database; interval: 20 m. The planimetry has been updated with the most recent orthophotos and sources. The concept "under construction or in project" reflects the final reach of the project and not the state of works in date of edition. This declaration is not applicable in all its terms in territories not depending from the Catalan administration.
- Description
- CAPTURA PRIMÀRIA - fotointerpretació sobre ortofotografies 1:5 000 i digitalització en pantalla mitjançant programari MicroStation. Unitat de treball: full 1:50 000 segons la distribució del Mapa Topográfico Nacional 1:50 000 espanyol. Format dels arxius digitals: dgn.
- Description
- INFORMACIÓ DE GABINET- incorporació d'elements no fotointerpretables: corbes de nivell amb equidistància 20 m, cotes, treball de camp i fonts documentals.
- Description
- EDICIÓ - desplaçament i separació d'objectes, simplificació i generalització. Puliment i millora de la digitalització.
- Description
- RETOLACIÓ - incorporació de la toponímia i altres textos.
- Description
- CONTROL DE QUALITAT - codificació i geometria correctes, connectivitat interna, coherència i continuïtat entre fulls.
- Description
- CONVERSIÓ A ETRS89 - Transformació de les dades digitals d'ED50 a ETRS89. Es realitza utilitzant la metodologia i paràmetres aprovats per la Comissió de Coordinació Cartogràfica de Catalunya (CCCC). Es pot trobar al Web de la Comissió,
- Description
- PREIMPRESSIÓ - conversió del format dgn en format pdf amb l'aplicació de la simbologia definitiva, incorporació de caràtula i portades per al mapa imprès.
- Description
- PUBLICACIÓ - Conversió en imatge raster, format GeoTiff o MrSid, per a publicació digital. Conversió a format tiff d'1 bit per a impressió sobre paper mitjançant tècnica CTP (Computer to plate). Plegat.
- Description
- PLANIMETRY: ICC 1:50 000 database updated with 1:5 000 Orthophoto of Catalonia (date of flight 2006). MUNICIPAL LIMITS: ICC database at 1:50 000 with corrections aproved until publishing date. COUNTY BORDERS: Law 22/1987 of 16th of December (DOGC 929, 18-1287), Law 5/1988 of 28th of March (DOGC 992, 5-16-88) and Law 3/1990 of 8th of January (DOGC 1243, 1-17-90). TOPONYMY: ICC 1:50 000 toponyms database revised according to the "Nomenclator oficial de toponímia major de Cataluña 2003" (Official Gazetteer of Major Toponymy of Catalonia) STATISTICAL DATA: Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya 2007. ALTIMETRY: ICC database. ROAD NETWORK: road catalog 2008 updated at November 2008 with information from "Direcció General de Carreteres" DPTOP (Catalan Road Administration); Road Nomenclature: Decree 261/1999, 09-28-1999 and Royal Decree 09-26-2003. PROTECTED NATURAL AREAS: Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge (Catalan Environmental and Housing Administration) April 2008. GR FOOTPATH (hiking trails): Federació d'Entitats Excursionistes de Catalunya (Federation of Catalan Hiking Clubs). USE OF SOILS: ICC database obtained from remote sensing. GEODETIC POINTS: ICC Geodesy database. TOURIST INFORMATION: ICC tourist database.
- File identifier
- mtc50mv40f34t1r050ca5 XML
- Metadata language
- Catalan; Valencian
- Character set
- 8859 Part 1
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Date stamp
- 2010-10-27
- Metadata standard name
- ISO 19115:2003/Cor.1:2006 Geographic Information - Metadata
- Metadata standard version
- IS
Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya (ICC)
+34 93 567 15 67
Parc de Montjuïc
+34 93 567 15 00
+34 93 567 15 67
Spatial extent
Provided by

Associated resources
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