Bathymetry v2.0 - 2021-2024
Orthometric altitudes of the coastal strip of Catalonia, in the form of: isobaths with equidistance of 1 m; and terrain elevation model with a regular mesh of 1 m, mainly of the submerged part.
- Date (Creation)
- 2024-07-18
- Identifier
- IDEC / batimetria-v2r0-2021-2024
- Purpose
- The objectives of this geoinformation are: Facilitate the management of the first miles of sea in Catalonia, continuously from land to sea. This includes the comprehensive management of beaches, equipment and furniture, cleaning and dune areas; Provide a reference base for the development of any activity that has an impact on the coastal area; Carry out urban and territorial planning studies, for the design and assessment of the environmental impact of infrastructures, etc.; Assess the dynamics of sand movements in both the surface and submerged parts of the beaches, with the aim of anticipating the effects of its evolution on management and planning, as well as promoting studies on the general dynamics and generalized evolution of sand; Know the evolution of the coastline and the managed area; Provide information that contributes to promoting actions and projects to improve adaptive capacity in the face of the impacts of climate change; Provide a reference base for the mapping of marine habitats and seabed types, among others; Make it possible to carry out operations and consultations for analysis or territorial incidence continuously from land to sea with other sets of geographic information data, such as existing infrastructures or protected spaces, with the possibility of generating maps and reports; To facilitate knowledge, by the public administration, the scientific world and the public, of the morphology of the coast.
Department of Territory, Housing and Ecological Transition (Generalitat de Catalunya)
- IDEC - llocs
- Catalonia
- Spain
- Europe
- IDEC - temes
- Hub litoral
- Access constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- No limitations
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
- Other constraints
- This geoinformation cannot be used for maritime navigation.
- Spatial representation type
- Vector
- Spatial representation type
- Grid
- Distance
- 1 m
- Metadata language
- Catalan; Valencian
- Character set
- UTF8
- Topic category
- Elevation
- Description
- The spatial extension covers from the coastline of Catalonia, plus at least 5 m inland in the case of the elevation model, to the outer limit of the polygon formed by the intersection of the limit of coastal waters, the protected natural spaces of the Generalitat and the -50 m isobath. The northern limit coincides with the northern limit of the Levantine - Balearic Demarcation defined by MITECO in the framework of marine strategies. The southern limit coincides with the line that starts with a bearing of 135º from the last vertex of the coast in the municipality of Les Cases d'Alcanar. The extensions defined by MITECO, in the Delta de l'Ebre - Tarragona, Garraf - Baix Llobregat, Alt Empordà are excluded. Temporal extent refers to the dates of the data source.
- Begin date
- 2021-08-16
- End date
- 2024-01-15
- Unique resource identifier
- ETRS89 UTM zone 31 North (EPSG:25831)
- Reference system identifier
- Altitudes referred to mean sea level in Alacant and using the geoid EGM08D595.
- Distribution format
- OnLine resource
- Data download
- OnLine resource
- Open ICGC QGIS plugin
- OnLine resource
- Source information dates - on line query
- OnLine resource
- Data capture technologies - on line query
- OnLine resource
- Technical specifications
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
Domain consistency
- Name of measure
- Conformity with the technical specification approved by the Cartographic Coordination Commission of Catalonia
Conformance result
Domain consistency
- Name of measure
- Compliance with INSPIRE requirements (data)
- Evaluation method description
- The data of this dataset do not aim to achieve compliance with INSPIRE regulations. For this reason, its conformity is not evaluated and it is declared not conformant compliant by default.
Conformance result
Domain consistency
- Name of measure
- Compliance with INSPIRE requirements (metadata)
- Evaluation method description
- The compliance of the metadata is evaluated using the "INSPIRE Reference Validator" web tool. The metadata is considered correct when the only errors reported are related with the main language of the metadata file. These errors are due to the fact that Catalan is not included in the list of official languages of the European Union.
Conformance result
- Statement
- The data to generate the land elevation model of the coastal strip is obtained using different technologies, mainly depending on the area but also considering aspects such as turbidity and possible administrative restrictions. Some of these technologies are: Airborne bathymetric lidar, suitable up to -15 m (for the net-hole spacing of this model a density of 0.3 - 1 points/m2 will be necessary); Multibeam bathymetry, appropriate from -15 m (deep sea); USVs and ROVs; Terrestrial topography with GPS (RTK) in land-sea detail zones, up to 1.5 m deep. The data obtained through the different techniques are processed and, thanks to their georeferencing and overlapping, integrated to have a continuous model. Data from other existing geoinformation sets, such as point clouds of emergent areas, can also be included for more robustness, if nothing else. In order to meet the quality requirements, calibration and debugging/classification tasks are usually carried out (the latter can be more or less automatic), taking certain control elements as a reference. These tasks, in some cases, follow international hydrography protocols. The isobaths are subsequently obtained from this elevation model, through its interpolation and the execution of smoothing algorithms, taking into account the criteria that are commonly applied to this type of cartographic elements.
- Description
- Airborne bathymetric lidar
- Description
- Multibeam bathymetry
- Description
- USVs and ROVs
- Description
- Terrestrial topography with GPS (RTK)
- Description
- Elevation model of the coastal strip
- File identifier
- batimetria-v2r0-2021-2024 XML
- Metadata language
- Catalan; Valencian
- Character set
- UTF8
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Date stamp
- 2025-02-18
- Metadata standard name
- IDEC profile of metadata of spatial datasets
- Metadata standard version
- Version 5.0

Spatial extent
Provided by

Associated resources
Not available